June 20, 20245 Unique Colored Diamond RingsRead MoreBuying,Custom Designs,Diamonds,Gold,Engagement August 24, 2021Our 35th anniversary! Q&A with JohnRead More35th Anniversary May 23, 2019MJ Loves: Raj & ClaireRead MoreBuying,Feature,Rings,Diamonds,Interview,Custom Designs,Engagement December 5, 2018December: Blue, Blue, Blue ChristmasRead MoreBirthstone,Gems and Stones July 30, 2018MJ Loves – James & AnnieRead MoreBuying,Feature,Rings,Diamonds,Interview,Custom Designs,Engagement May 26, 2018Jewelry Guide for Sensitive SkinRead MoreBuying,Gold April 23, 2018How to Get the Ring You WantRead MoreBuying,Rings,Diamonds,Custom Designs,Engagement February 28, 2018What To Know If You’re Considering Custom JewelryRead MoreBuying,Gems and Stones,Engagement,Custom Designs February 7, 2018How Valentine’s Day Can be the BestRead MoreFeature